Climate communication and climate psychology

Effective communication is essential for a municipality to tackle the challenges climate change poses. Successful climate communication can

  • involve the population

  • build partnerships and support for environmental issues,

  • can educate and raise awareness

  • urge to take action and induce long-term changes

If communication is inadequate, these effects do not manifest

We build on scientific results of climate psychology next to our marketing and communication expertise to help cities create impact. In our climate communication trainings we equip our participants both with theoretical knowledge and practical tools to communicate environmental and climate issues properly at local level. In addition to trainings, we are happy to offer consulting and implementation.

Community planning

Community planning is not only a trendy buzzword but is also an effective way to engage the public in any municipal decision-making, be it parking strategy development, green space design or discussing climate change adaptation. It is the users of municipality services, the residents themselves who have the best competencies in determining which steps are desirable and which are not. Including them means that we take into consideration new perspectives on the system we want to change. Decision-making based on consensus results in greater trust and stronger connections.

Our team of communication experts and facilitators has the toolbox necessary to help the process from start to finish, bringing a wide variety of stakeholders to one table engaging them from brainstorming to project planning to implementing actions.

Systems innovation

Climate change is a complex issue affecting all urban systems. Urban systems themselves are complex, herefore changing them is not a straighforward process but involves many reiterations. Whether mobility, waste management or air pollution are on the table, a circular systems innovation process approach is desirable to achieve the best results.

We can help mastering this process with a variety of systems innovation tools in our workshops full of cocreation, peer-learning, insights and fun. We will manage the entire process on demand.


As a first step of the innovation process, we should map our system and relevant stakeholders within.


The second step is developing a strategy for engaging our various stakeholders. By this we ensure that stakeholders will be properly briefed and involved in the innovation process.


Changes are made to certain parts of the system for a pilot period/quantity.


Results and insights of the pilot are collected and summarised. We examine whether our experiment has succeeded, and if so, what changes can be fed back to the entire system.


Implementation to the whole system can begin by developing a comprehensive innovation strategy built on the results of the pilot.

Our partners and clients so far